Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So the house we are renting has two beautiful built in china cabinets in the dining area. I have been keeping our collection of nicknacks in them, since I do not have any were else to keep them. So with us moving in the next two weeks I decided to get one for the new house. I have been looking around for a cabinet the last few weeks and not found one that is in our range. So the weekend Aidan had his surgery, they were doing a city wide garage sale. I happen to drive the back way home from picking up Aidan's medication and saw a sale going on. They happened to be selling a china cabinet. So I did a U-turn and went back to have a look. It was in pretty good shape and in our range. So I ran home to tell Dedrick and pick up the truck. The cabinet only cost $50, when all the other ones we looked at were $700 to $1200. So I am happy to have found a cabinet for the new house.

Built in Cabinet!

Our new Cabinet!

This school year I decided to hang the kids art projects, instead of throwing them away. So I made sure to get a picture before I took them down to throw them away before the move! I hung them on the wall next to the cabinet in the dining room.

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