Friday, June 19, 2009

Night Visitor

Dedrick and I were watching a movie last night before bed, when Kaliska came to ask for a drink. The lights were out in the kitchen, so Dedrick turned on the lights. To our surprise an Opossum was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs eating off the table. The opossum got scared and ran into the laundry room, were it hid behind our empty boxes. We do not have a washer/dryer yet, so we have nothing to cover the vent, and that is how the opossum got in and were he was hanging out.

We called animal control to come and get it. They were going to charge us $135 to come and catch it. Dedrick decided to call the landlord. She asked how the opossum got in and we told her. She told us how we could get the opossum out of the house without harm to either party. So Dedrick slowly moved the boxes out of the laundry room into the kitchen and created a barracked. We left a few boxes for the opossum to hide till we got everything ready. We opened the garage door and turned off the lights.

Once we had everything in place; Dedrick moved the last few boxes and sacred the Opossum out the garage door and into the front yard. Once we got him out, we blocked the dryer vent with three heavy boxes. We should be getting the washer/dryer next weekend, so we won't have this happen again. So that was the encounter with the our night visitor.

The Opossum was about 8in long, it's tall was just has long. Here is the picture we got before we chased it out...

1 comment:

The Cobells said...

oh my gosh, that's crazy! I love your house. I'm glad you guys got there ok. I can't wait to have a house with more than 3 bedrooms.