Monday, July 16, 2012

Better Late Then Never

So I have not blogged in awhile for some strange reason. I love to blog, do not get me wrong, it just seems everything has gotten in the way lately. So lets catch up!

So Dedrick's grandma passed away in May, so we drove up to Utah for the funeral. All the kids, grand kids, and great-grand kids were able to make it. It was great to see everyone and pay tribute to a very wonderful lady. 

The funeral happened to be around the end of school of my kiddos. So my kids got to start their summer break a little early. That was good for them because they had summer school for the month of June. They went four days a week for a few hours in the morning. Starting in June they started their swim lessons in the afternoons and the lessons go to the end of July. Other then that they have been having fun playing outside and with friends.

Dedrick has been working hard and traveling for work lately to help with all the projects he has on his plate. When he is home he continues to work and play with his r.c. trucks and works on projects around the house. 

I have been working a lot more this summer, so my boss can take some vacation time. I also have been busy with the kids and running errands. Also getting ready for school next month, making sure all the paperwork is turned in. I also started training for a 5k run with my friend Amanda. We are into the end of week three and the program is eight weeks long. I feel good for making it this far and will keep going. Wish me luck!

Coming up is my sweet sons 7th birthday, start of school for all (except dad), travel for husband, visit grandma and grandpa and lots more game nights with friends.

I have been a bad mom I keep forgetting to take pictures. Next time I blog there will lots of pictures!

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