Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where Did It GO

Over the last few days it has been very windy! On any give day the wind ranges from normal to 60-70 mph. We live in a small community, so we get blown around more. The other day I was running errands in town. When I came home, I happened to look out the kitchen window and notice the kids trampoline was missing! For a second I thought someone took it. Then it dawned on me that it it has been very windy. I ran out the back sliding door and found this!!

The trampoline had gone three houses away! Trying to get it back to our yard was a workout with the wind trying to push it back the other way! At one point I had to stand on the outer side to keep it from blowing us both away. When I got it back to the yard I put it in front of a few trees to keep it from blowing away again. Nothing was damaged, so we got lucky!

1 comment:

Natausha said...

When we lived in Tennessee I looked out the window one morning and became really confused. I asked everyone, "Uh-- where'd the trampoline go?" No one believed me at first and then they saw for themselves. We thought the same thing at first - that someone stole it but then we looked across our acre and a half yard and saw it wrapped around a tree. My dad cemented it down thereafter. Glad yours wasn't damaged!