Monday, January 31, 2011

9th Anniversary

It is hard to believe we have been married for nine years. It has not been easy, but worth every minute. We fight, we yell, we make up, we love, we make sure that we kiss good night. Many people in our lives did not believe we would make it this far.

We have been blessed to have three wonderful children who bring us joy. We made it though four and half years of college, two moves plus two more coming in the next two years.

We enjoyed a night of watching a movie and going to dinner. We enjoyed talking and laughing over all the silly things we said and did in the last nine years. He got me a new rice cooker after the old one decided to go up in smoke(literally). I made him a family established sign for the house.

I am blessed to have a wonderful man in my life!

To my husband:
I want to let you know I love you and thank you for loving a broken young woman. You make me strong and make me believe in my self. You let me cry on your shoulder, make me laugh, and trust me to be your wife. Looking forward to many more years to come.

To my wife: I'm lucky to be blessed with such a loving and fun wife. We've been through a lot together and I look forward to many more years together. You've helped me through so much.

Taken at a friends wedding!

First Christmas!

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