Thursday, September 9, 2010

Night Time

So if you have know us for awhile you will know our children our night owls. For the longest time our children would not go to bed when we told them. Becca would fight us all the time, and since we could not understand her it made it 100 times harder. Then we had Aidan and he came to us 6 weeks early. I was at the hospital on and off for three weeks. So our sleep habits were still crazy. About that time we were blessed to get Becca into a wonderful school for three years. She started to calm down a little and communicate more. Then came our little Kaliska and me being in the hospital on and off a few weeks. My wonderful husband was a full time student doing this whole time.

So we have had a hard time getting a bed time routine for about 6 years. I am happy to let everyone know we have a bed time routine that has worked for the last 6 months. The kids do not fight us any more and enjoy getting ready for bed. My kids are so great with the new routine. I love them for trying new things all the time! So we have been getting better sleep and happier in the morning. I hope we can keep this up, keep your fingers crossed for us!


Big Mama LeAnne said...

Love the new Pic!!! So spill what is the bedtime trick?

Hillary said...

How wonderful! Sleep is so nice :) I'm glad things are working out.