Thursday, December 4, 2008

Silly Becca Thoughts

The other day Becca came to me and said "I want to go see grandma and grandpa." I told her she would have to wait til Christmas to see them. She then tells me to "put her on a plane, and she would go by herself." By this time I was trying not to laugh, I told her it was unsafe and to wait a few more weeks. Becca then went to play, and I thought that this was over.

A few minutes later Aidan comes to me and tells me he wants to get on a plane with Becca to go see grandma and grandpa. I asked him why he thinks Becca is getting on a plane. He tells me "Becca told him that she was getting on a plane to see the grandparents." By this time I can't keep a normal face. I called Becca back into the room and asked her why she told Aidan she was going on plane. Her reply" I'm a big girl and I can go see my grandparents when I want. And Aidan is cute to get us on the plane for free."

I just gave her a hug and told her I loved her great mind.

1 comment:

Spring said...

She's always been so resourceful!