Sunday, November 16, 2008

Smart and Silly

This week my kids have been activing very goofy, more than normal. Everytime I turn around they make dad and I laugh.

REBECCA has come a very long way since we found out she had Autism. I found her reading a book to the little ones and trying to help them read it themself. I'm very grateful for all the work her teachers have been to her at school.

AIDAN's favorite saying this week is "Shake your Booty" and "Oh Man" or "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" like the doorbell, and he does this at odd times. He just loves to make you laugh.

KALISKA has been saying "ME ME ME" in funny voices and wants to be holding a baby wrapped in a blanket all the time. She has also been making the funniest mischievous little faces, too.

It is so great to have such wonderful kids, and I cannot imagine my life without them in it.

1 comment:

Spring said...

I love that Becca's reading to her siblings! What a nice memory for her little brother and sister! She's the sweetest thing!