Wednesday, February 1, 2012

10th Anniversary

It's wonderful to realize that we've been marred for 10 years. We never could have guessed where life would take us, but we're grateful for all the blessings we've had along the way. We have three beautiful children, Dedrick has a great job as an engineer in natural gas liquids and Damian enjoys her part time work at the local post office as well. We've made some great friends here in Kansas.

We had the chance to run away for the weekend. The kids went to friends houses for sleepovers and we went to Wichita. We went to dinner at Kobe Japan Steak House, then saw a movie, and then checked in to our hotel for the night. We enjoyed spending the time alone to talk and enjoy each others company. We've made it this far and we will continue to make more memories together on this road.

10th Anniversary
Anniversary Gift

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