Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rebecca Oh Becca

Conceived in violence, came into love!

Rebecca came into this world fighting. A day after going home, we took her to the ER because her temperature keep dropping. Spent my first Mother's day in Primary Children's Hospital. Becca came home three day later. She hit all the milestones for a three month old baby.

One day I noticed she was having a hard time breathing, took her to the doctor. Her oxygen was at 80%, and rushed her to Primary Children's by ambulance. When I got to the hospital they told me she had pneumonia in both lungs. So we stayed for a week. She did hit all the milestones for a sixth month old.

Things were looking great! She started to crawl by about seven and half months. I noticed something was wrong when she crawled. So I took her to the doctor and she told me I was a first time mom and I didn't know what I was talking about. The doctor said every thing looked fine. At any rate, once Becca started crawling, she did not want to stop! About this time I noticed she was not trying to talk or make eye contact.

When Becca was about eleven months she started to walk, but she was having difficulty. Did that slow her down? No! As she was getting better at walking, I noticed she was limping more and more. I decided to take her to a different doctor. He took one look, said we need to get an X-ray. He called us that night, told us that she had Hip Dysplasia, which means she was born with her right hip out of the socket. We were told to apply at Shriner's Hospital to see if they could do the surgery. The whole process could take about nine weeks. It took one week for all the paper work to go through, and three to schedule the surgery. Poor girl was in a full body cast for seven weeks afterwards.

After everything cooled down a bit, Becca started to pull away from everyone. She stopped talking, making eye contact and did not want to stop running. We took her to get testing and she was diagnosed with Autism. We were able to get her into the Carmen B. Pingree Center for Children with Autism. She was there for three wonderful years. Everyone was the best anyone could ask for, they go beyond what is needed. Becca thrived, and we were able to mainstream this year.

The new school in Tulsa wanted to send her to their sister school for special ed! Dedrick and I told them that we did not want her to go. So they gave her a 30 day trial to see how she would do. She totally kicked butt, so she is in a regular classroom all day. She only gets pulled out for speech two times a week. Just the other day the school called to tell me she is staying for the rest of the year!

Even with all the struggles Becca will have to deal with, she will do so with a smile and a spirit that will not be stopped! She is a great blessing to her family and all those she comes in contact with.


Spring said...

She is truly a beautiful spirit! I'm so glad she's doing so well in school! We always knew she would!

Kimbrey-Daniel said...

Oh such great news! Becca is definitely a great kid. I'm glad to hear things are going so well.

Joe said...

This just totally made my day! :)